Howdy all For those that don’t know I’m…

Howdy all,
For those that don’t know, I’m always floating around the lab under some guise. Currently I’m finishing up some written work, shortly I will be back to my PhD research which will involve some PCRs that I’ve designed and cloning the products into E.coli. I will also be getting some more sequencing work done, and then after taking a bit of a break (I need a holiday!) will be looking at some protein expression.

Since you can see all the previous posts from last year, I was responsible for supervising the PFGE project on P.acnes and the videoblogging which was really successful and is being presented at this years Student As Producer conference.

Get blogging!!! Honestly, this is a good platform for you to think/reflect/discuss and log what you’ve done. It will be worth it.

Get involved 😀

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