Today has been an almost perfect day in the lab.
pOG4 and pNC0412B have grown quite nicely to an OD of 1 (0.8-1), I have performed a serial dilution on both and left the innoculated broths overnight in the shaker at 37C, the spread plates of 5 & 5.5 are in the 37C incubator. Also today i innoculated another flask of LB broth with C2110 and grew to an OD of 0.35. Then i carried out cell competancy then transformed them, using the plasmids pOG04 NJC and pNC0412B. I spread plated pOG04NJC onto an LB agar plate containing amp50 and spread plated pNC0412B onto an LB agar plated containing chl10. these were then placed in the 37C incubator overnight. Busy day tomorrow as agars, broths, velvets and NaCl need to be made-up/autoclaved, as well as tomorrows tasks. Early start i think!