So the last post on the blog by…

So…the last post on the blog by me! Finally finished our UROS project today! Excited to have a bit of summer left! Had an amazing time and it’s been a great experience and i’ve learnt alot. I’ve learnt all the bones in the human body, and many anthropology skills and techniques to age sex and determine stature and these skills i will keep with me to help in my final year! I’ve also met lovely people in the micro lab that i probably wouldn’t have got chance to if i hadn’t done this project so for that i am thankful! Being able to work with my peers and lecturers has been a good experience and being able to work in a lab for a long length of time!

On to the project results…this week we swabbed the bones after being cleaned with ethanol and then we handled one set of bones with gloves on and one set without gloves and swabbed these too to come to some kind of conclusion as to wearing gloves affects contamination on the bone. The results mainly pointed in this direction with the swabs taken after handling without gloves gave more bacterial growth than that with gloves on.

We weren’t able to identify any of the bacteria in this project but it will make for an interesting project next summer maybe!

Thanks again everyone involved, its been great! 🙂 Enjoy your summers!!!

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