Hey All,
Today i came in and filmed my latest videoblog. I then removed the plugs from speI, buffer and BSA, and added 0.1x wash buffer for 30mins. While this was incubating, i autoclaved 1L of 0.5x TAE buffer, which i then used to incubate the plugs for an hour. I then prepared a 1.4% gel, with modified comb to create a large well. Once this had solidified i added one plug of the low range PFG marker, one whole plug of restriction enzyme treated plug in the large well, and finally one 1/3 of a restriction enzyme treated plug in one well. I then sealed the plugs, and ran the gel at 6v/cm for 15hrs, with 1-12sec switch interval ramping.
Mike will be in tomorrow to removed the gel, stain it and view. He will then save an image for me to observe with him on Monday 🙂 See you all then!