Hey Everyone First proper day in the lab…

Hey Everyone,

First proper day in the lab today! Me and Jo made up 1L of X50 TAE (a buffer which we will be using ALOT of during our project!) and 1L of EET (which is used when making plugs, we will be producing during the project, more stable), we then autoclaved both. Mike also gave us a reminder of our old friends; Moles and Molar Mass!
After the TAE was autoclaved we used it to run our first gel, in order to practise our technique. We diluted our TAE 50 fold and combined it with 8% agarose to make our gel. We pipetted out: 2 microlitres of sample, 2 microlitres of loading buffer and 6 TAE. We ran 9 lanes: 2 Lambda Hind III, pure B1 DNA, pure PUC BAM H1, pure PUC ECO R1, pure PBC SK+ ECO R1, pure PBC SK+ BAM H1, raw PUC and raw PBC,at 110V for an hour. We then stained up our gel with ethidium bromide and used the UV spectrometer. Our gel turned out fairly well, although Mike said that the ladders were a little messy, and that could be due to the temperature. There was also a small nick in the gel, which created some dragging.

Excited for tomorrow! πŸ™‚

Heya I’m Rosie and I have just finished…

Heya, I’m Rosie and I have just finished my second year as a Forensic Science Student. I will be starting in the micro lab tomorrow and I am looking forward to meeting you all and getting started! My project is looking at the stability systems of plasmids that confer antibiotic resistance, extracted from E. coli recovered from a natural body of water in Lincoln, (The brayford) and I will have Nicola working with me on the SGM project.

I guess I will be writing on here for help a lot with problems that I am inevitably going to come across, but this is why I am very lucky to have Nicola working with me and such a range of people in the lab. I cannot wait for the challenge! πŸ˜€

See you all tomorrow! πŸ™‚

Another fun filled day in the lab alot…

Another fun filled day in the lab! alot quieter today, started off counting colony forming units (cfu) from Sharon richardsons Brayford water sample spread plates. photographed the spread plates and documented the results in my lab book. A habit i have had to learn, to keep my notes contemporaneous (?spelling?) Had a long lunch (2 hours) then with Rachael Simpson, completed gram staining and identifying lab cultures that were streaked at the beginning of the week. Just 3 more strains to identify on monday.

On a slightly different note if you want…

On a slightly different note, if you want to be correct, and use italics (or bold, or underline) in posts for names, you’ll need to learn a little bit of html coding:

for italics, you need to use the i tag, in triangular brackets – just like this:

<i>E. coli</i>

Bold = b
Underline = u
Subscript = sub
Superscript = sup
Bullet point list = ul and li (a little trickier – check for a tutorial online)

Hope this is useful!

Most of you have probably heard me going…

Most of you have probably heard me going on about my PhD research. A quick overview here though, just so you’re all up to speed. Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem – I’m sure you’re all aware. New antibiotics are rare discoveries these days, so we need new options. Plasmids are small extrachromosomal pieces of DNA, and often carry antibiotic resistance. They are also often very stably maintained with the bacterial cell, ensuring that this resistance is passed on through generations. The logic goes that if we can prevent the plasmids being inherited, we can remove the antibiotic resistance, and be able to treat the infection again.

For my PhD thesis, I was provided with four plasmids with different stability levels, all of which encoded resistance to ampicillin. My work was to study the effect of this reduction in stability as a model system, and see whether destabilised plasmids would reduce the effectiveness of a cell culture to survive in the presence of ampicillin. I also modified and cloned a series of plasmids with the same stability levels, but with resistance to chloramphenicol.

Generally, it went well, although there were more questions raised than answers provided, which is why it is critical that this work starts again, so we can get the data we need to move forward. Unfortunately it has been over 10 years since I was working regularly on the plasmids, and some have been lost, and others have been contaminated and damaged.

Sophie and I will be working hard over the next few weeks to revive as many of the original plasmids as we can, and recreate the ones that have been lost. It’s off to a good start though – this is a plate of E. coli DH5a cells containing the pOG4 plasmid, proved by the fact that the cells are surviving on a plate containing ampicillin. 1 down… 7 to go…!

One of the most important jobs in a…

One of the most important jobs in a microbiology lab is maintaining a culture collection to ensure all the bacterial and fungal strains necessary for research are kept pure and thriving. Unfortunately, without a consistent research programme, this often doesn’t happen in our labs. I need a couple of very specific E. coli strains for my research, but I came back in at the start of this research period to plates for these strains like the first one in this picture of DH5a – almost a year old, so completely dry and, to the unobservant, useless. But, with a little encouragement, I got the few cells out alive as you can see in the second plate, and then within another day to the pure streak in the last plate.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t so lucky with my second strain, C2110, and I’ve had to revert back to a stab culture I finally unearthed, but hopefully I should see growth this morning when I get into the lab.

As a result, I’ve got some of you working on creating a culture collection of some of the random bottles of cells I’ve found lurking around in the incubator room, by creating slopes and stabs for storage. It will really be a revelation if we can get it all sorted out!!

Just something to think about being able to…

Just something to think about – being able to innovate and create novel data as a scientist is about being able to adapt, alter and invent methods to gain new results. Therefore, if you don’t understand the methods you’re using, you can never advance. You’ve probably never really done it before, as I suspect you’ve just blindly followed the provided SOPs, but from this point on, start digging deeper into the science behind the experiment. Learn about the function of every chemical, of every physical action, and you’ll be able to understand why the experiment works the way it does. That is all I do, and that is the main reason why I can make suggestions of change when things aren’t working.

Unloaded autoclave poured 1200ml nutrient agar plates and…

Unloaded autoclave, poured 1200ml nutrient agar plates and 400ml MEA plates and set universal jars as slope jars. Learned that plates that are to be used straight away can be made a little thinner than those being made as stock to be stored.Gram stained first set of culture plates and verified as much as possible E.coli. Little more relaxed today, long lunch and a little waiting for autoclave to complete its 2hr cycle. still cant wait for tomorrow though!

After an exciting introductory week of extracting DNA…

After an exciting introductory week of extracting DNA from dogs testes and starting projects relating to water samples from the brayford,today has been a little bit less busy but knowledgable non the less. Today I have learnt how to make nutrient agar and mea agar and I have been researching plasmids and ecoli for my projects.

Started the morning off by streaking nutrient agar…

Started the morning off by streaking nutrient agar plates from cultures thought to be ‘dead’ and put them in the incubator til tomrrow. Stock cultures from the lab were previously streaked on agar plates, today my task was to isolate single colonies and make up streak plates, these were placed in the incubator until tomorrow when they will hopefully have grown so they can then be gram stained and identified. Then i chose a project to conduct over the summer, If a pure sample of soya can be located then i hope to design a working PCR test to detect GM soya in non GM foods.

Hey Everyone My name is Amy as I’m…

Hey Everyone! πŸ™‚

My name is Amy, as I’m sure some of you will already know, and I have just finished my second year as a Biomedical Science student. I haven’t actually started my lab work yet, but you will see me around the lab from Monday 18th June, as I start my UROS project with Mike Shaw. Our project involves the molecular characterisation of clinical Propionibacterium acnes strains by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and whether this technique is too much of a technical challenge for an undergraduate student. I am therefore very lucky to have Jo Manev, as well as Mike to help me out!

I am really looking forward to getting started with the project, even though I know it is going to be a challenge at times! I hope this opportunity will help me to become more confident in the microbiology/molecular biology lab and prepare me for my final year project, which I hope will be in the field of microbiology/molecular biology. After graduating I am very interested in progressing to PhD study, hopefully within microbiology/molecular biology. Therefore, the opportunity to work along side current post graduate students, lecturers and other students (all of you!) will be incredibly valuable, in terms of gaining first hand experience and advise to help me achieve my aspirations.

As well as blogging on this site with you all, myself, Mike and Jo will hopefully also be producing a video blog of interesting and important milestones during our project. Which should really fun and useful for other students to watch!

See you all soon! πŸ™‚

Um hey I’ll get around to changing my…

Um… hey!!
I’ll get around to changing my avatar but for now I think a little pink alien depicts me pretty well!
I’m Rachael, Rach, whatever you feel like calling me. Just finished year 1 biomed and had my first day in the lab today πŸ™‚ Kinda feels like the first day back at school but all good and looking forward to more. Thankyou for making me welcome today and tomorrow I will bring paper! πŸ™‚ x

Not a lab update as such but today…

Not a lab update as such, but today i learned how to set up a blog. Sooo proud of myself right now! Had a fantastic 3 days in the lab. Made a selection of agars, collected water from the Brayford (dodging the muscovy ducks), water filtration, extracted dna from dogs nuts, made agarose gel and ran electrophoresis. Learned a couple of new research websites and met some really nice people x Phew! can’t wait for next week x

Well it’s nearly the end of the first…

Well it’s nearly the end of the first week so I thought I should introduce myself properly!!!!! My name is Alice and I’ve just finished my third year in Forensic Science :- )

For the next few months is will be working on a project based around the work I did for my dissertation, developing an infection model using Galleria mellonella (wax moth caterpillar) to study treatment of infections caused by the bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii.
Although for most this has been there first week of lab time, me being eager I had started last week with the intention of setting up my kill kinetics to discover the pathogenicity of the bacteria towards the caterpillars.

After injecting over 160 caterpillars (Yes I know…Cruel!!!) I had a good feeling that everything was going well…however after 96 hours of observations my results were not what I expected. Majority of caterpillars had beaten the infection and survived! Although this is great news for caterpillars worldwide…it’s not so great for me!!!

These results along with a couple of other indicators (including smell and questionable Gram stains) has lead me to doubt my bacteria, so starting next week I will be starting from scratch culturing a fresh batch of bacteria from a culti loop. So if your about in the lab next and fancy injecting a few caterpillars for me you will be more than welcome!
Next week I am also hoping to have set up a Checkerboard assay for measuring antibiotic synergy. This could be quite interesting as I have never done this before.

See you next week πŸ™‚

Starting to get set up in the lab…

Starting to get set up in the lab now – another week and we might get some interesting results to post!

1. Alkaline lysis solutions made up, ready for plasmid extraction for the stability plasmid experiments for Sophie. Struggling with getting my E. coli cultures revived after they were left to die off in the fridge, but I’m confident I’ll get them back.

2. Lysis buffers set up ready for bulk NA extraction from dog testes (tomorrow’s activity) so everyone can have a go at some guaranteed successful gel electrophoresis results before getting stuck into the much more temperamental PCR experiments.

3. Plates from water from the Brayford Pool incubating – planning on getting some prelim data on total viable counts from the pool on a more or less daily basis for Ryan, to help him plan sample sizes when he gets started. Also got the MLSA plates made to start culturing E. coli for Rosie.

4. Box of random fibre samples located and tidied a little, so back on with the plan of writing a book of images for forensic fibre analysis, and revisiting some of my final year students projects to see if I can get publishable data with a few more experimental repeats.

That’s my round-up – what about yours?

Hello there all I have just finished my…

Hello there all! I have just finished my final year studying Forensic Science (yay!) and i’m moving on to do a Masters by Research, which is focuses on Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment, this follows on from work I did in my third year project which was looking at Antibiotic Resistance in E.coli and looking for plasmids within resistant organisms. I will be starting around August time but should be hitting the labs sometime in July to get into things, at the moment I am taking a good break after finishing my degree πŸ™‚
See you all soon!