Had growth from two of my plasmids pOG04…

Had growth from two of my plasmids, pOG04 DRW and pNC0412B but nothing from pOG04 NJC. I used an original sample of pNC0412B and so i am very happy that there is growth, this means that there is probably a fault with my plasmid prep. At least i have something to work with. The pOG04 NJC is a known temperemental plasmid so no growth is not wholly unexpected, just frustrating. Today just counted my T end plates and recorded the data, the rest of the day is spent making up agars and broths ready for next week as it is the last week in the lab and i would like to be prepared!

Hey all I made some competent DH5 alpha…

Hey all!
I made some competent DH5 alpha E. coli cells today (which took 5 and a half hours to grow to the optical density of 0.350!) and used the colorimeter to see if they had reached the optical density . I have also transformed them so I can do alkaline lysis tomorrow! Still in the lab currently waiting as the transformed cells are currently in the incubator for 45 minutes then I need to spread plate them on to LB agar plates that have ampicillin in them and put them in a incubator over night. I’m using the same plasmids again (pALA1029, pOG4, pOG04, pOG4.003).
See you all tomorrow!
Soph 🙂

Busy day today Started the day going through…

Busy day today,
Started the day going through wednesday and thursday’s results with Rachael, so she knows where we are with our cultures, and so we can plan what we’re doing next. Taught Hammad how to do water filtration, made up 950ml of M17agar base with 10g Lactose suppliment (suspended in 100ml distilled water), both were autolaved before mixing. After lunch Rachael poured the plates. Made up 2800ml (7 x 400ml) of LB agar and poured plates with five of these. The other two were left for Nicola to add ampicillin and then pour the plates.I also made up 250ml of 0.85% w/v NaCl, this also needed to be autoclaved. Made up two stabs and slopes with the PS aeruginosa broth that i incubated overnight. Counted colony cultures from Sharon’s Brayfod water project.