I am very happy to have finally been…

I am very happy to have finally been able to gain access to this blog, after a week of being in the laboratory. Although I was expecting my experience to be productive, it has so far been more productive and far more useful than I previously expected. My group is currently working on assessing the presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria (specifically gram negative) in “ready to eat” food from sources within and outside of the UK. In our first week we were given the opportunity to produce our own practical protocol and method of logging results which I have found hugely useful. In addition I have managed to re-cap over most of the micro biology practical skills that I struggle with. As a result whilst I still find some methods tricky I find them far less tricky as a result of my experience so far.

Just a quick update to say hello again…

Just a quick update to say hello again, and hope that you manage to get online and blogging now! Following the session this afternoon on forms, have a go at filling them in as best as you can, and then bring them into the lab to show us what you’ve managed. Use this summer as a way of finding out as much as you can about the behind the scenes parts of scientific research, as this is the area that will put you way ahead of the game in September!

As for my research, I’ve only just managed to sub on my E. coli strains today that I grew on Thursday of last week, so it’s been a slow start!