Hey All Removed plugs from SpeI enzyme buffer…

Hey All,

Removed plugs from SpeI enzyme, buffer and BSA, and washed in 1x wash buffer for 30mins. We removed this, then incubated them in 0.5x TAE buffer for an hour, while we prepared a 1.4% agarose gel. We then loaded 1/2 of each plug strain into individual wells, as well as the low range PFG marker, sealed with agarose and ran at 6V/cm, for 15 hours, with a 1-12 sec switch interval, and modified buffer flow.

Tomorrow, we will remove the gel, stain it and view it. We will also be filming our last videoblog! πŸ™ as it will be the last day of our project – 10 weeks has gone by sooo fast! We may also be running another gel, depending on the results of the first. See you all then πŸ™‚

Hello Today we removed the plugs from proteinase…


Today we removed the plugs from proteinase K, and washed them in 1 x wash buffer 4 times, for an hour each. We then incubated them in 0.1 x wash buffer for an hour, then in 1 x SpeI buffer to saturate for an hour. We then removed and added fresh SpeI buffer, SpeI enzyme and BSA and incubated overnight at 37C. We also made up 500ml of 0.5x TAE buffer and autoclaved it for tomorrow.

Unfortunately, we lost a few plugs along the way, due to instability. Tomorrow we will be incubating the plugs in 1 x wash buffer, then 0.5x TAE, before running the new plugs.

Hello All Unfortunately the re cultured samples hadn’t…

Hello All,

Unfortunately the re cultured samples hadn’t grown enough on Monday to use, so we left them another day and night until Tuesday. Today, although the growth was minimal we decided to start plug making. We added chloramphenicol to the samples, left them for an hour, and then centrifuged them all down until we had appropriate sized pellets. However, some of the samples did not readily form pellets, and several pellets were much smaller than others or were very dark in colour.

We then combined the pellets with cell suspension buffer, shook them to combine and added agarose. We then pipetted the samples into plug molds and left them to solidify in the fridge. Once solid, we pushed each plug into a separate eppendorf, added appropriate lysozyme, buffer and mutanolysin. However one plug hadn’t soldified enough and was discared. They are now incubating at 37C. At 6, i will remove the lysozyme, buffer and mutanolysin, and add proteinase K and buffer. Incubating them overnight at 50C.

Tomorrow we will be washing the plugs, and incubating them in restriction enzyme, buffer and BSA.

Hey Everyone Today unfortunatly the 10 different strain…

Hey Everyone,

Today, unfortunatly the 10 different strain samples of propionibacterium acnes hadn’t grown enough to use yet, so we left them to grow longer all today and overnight.

We then removed the previously incubated old batch of plugs from SpeI enzyme, buffer and BSA. We incubated them all in 1 x wash buffer for 30mins at R.T. During that time we made up 1L of TAE 0.5x buffer, autoclaved it, allowed it to cool and used it to saturate the plugs for 1hr. We also used the buffer to make up a 1.4% gel, before cutting each of the 10 different strain propionibacterium acnes plugs from an old batch and placing them into wells. We also included a sample of the low range PFG marker. We then sealed the plugs using 1.4% agarose, we found a few problems whilst doing this. As we haven’t worked with as many plugs in the same gel at once before, one pipette tip (1ml) wasn’t enough to do all 11 wells. This was also made worst by how quickly the agarose cooled in the pipette creating bubbling and messy sealing. We plan to use a different tip for each sample next time, and work with slightly warmer agarose.

We then ran this gel for 18hrs, at 6V/cm, with 1-12 sec Switch interval. We also used the modified buffer flow method – which took a few times to balance effectively.

Tomorrow we will be hopefully starting plug production and viewing this latest gel. See you all then πŸ™‚

Hello Today myself and Mike started by discussing…


Today myself and Mike started by discussing the gel we ran last fri-sat. We produced pretty good results, as can be seen in the image attached. We could see much clearer bands, due to increased DNA, and slightly modified settings.

We therefore decided to start produced new plugs using the 10 different strains of Propionibacterium acnes we tried to use before. Mike re cultured these strains yesterday, therefore we left them for today to grow further, until tomorrow.

We decided to run the old plugs we produced using these 10 different strains, to confirm lack of DNA. We removed the buffer the plugs were in, added 1ml per plug of SpeI 1x wash buffer, to saturate for an hour at R.T. We then added 0.3ml SpeI buffer, 3ul BSA and 7.5ul SpeI enzyme to each plug and incubated overnight, and through tomorrow at 37C. We did have some issues with the SpeI enzyme, due to a lack of enzyme from our original batch, which was 50,000u/ml. The new SpeI enzyme was 10,000u/ml and therefore required some modified calculations, taking into account increased incubation time.

Tomorrow we will be checking the growth of the 10 different strains of Propionibacterium acnes and then beginning new plug making, if appropriate. We will also be removing the old plugs from SpeI enzyme, buffer and BSA, and washing them in 1x wash buffer before storing them till weds.

Hey All Today i came in and filmed…

Hey All,

Today i came in and filmed my latest videoblog. I then removed the plugs from speI, buffer and BSA, and added 0.1x wash buffer for 30mins. While this was incubating, i autoclaved 1L of 0.5x TAE buffer, which i then used to incubate the plugs for an hour. I then prepared a 1.4% gel, with modified comb to create a large well. Once this had solidified i added one plug of the low range PFG marker, one whole plug of restriction enzyme treated plug in the large well, and finally one 1/3 of a restriction enzyme treated plug in one well. I then sealed the plugs, and ran the gel at 6v/cm for 15hrs, with 1-12sec switch interval ramping.

Mike will be in tomorrow to removed the gel, stain it and view. He will then save an image for me to observe with him on Monday πŸ™‚ See you all then!

Hey Everyone Today was a loooong day Came…

Hey Everyone,

Today was a loooong day! Came in at 9am, and as the plugs were still fairly cloudy, Mike suggested we leave them abit longer to allow further lysis, and therefore make the plugs clearer. We made up a fresh solution of lysozyme, proteinase K and mutanolysin, and left the plugs to incubate further until 12pm.

I then began washing the plugs in 1x wash buffer, 1hr each four times. Once finished i washed the plugs in 0.1x wash buffer for an hour twice. I then removed the wash buffer and added speI buffer to allow the plugs to incubate for an hour. After this i added fresh buffer, SpeI enzyme and BSA. The plugs will incubate overnight at 37C.

I made appropriate modifications in amount of lysozyme, mutanolysin, SpeI buffer and enzyme etc. In order to compensate for an increase in DNA conc.

Tomorrow i will be filming my new videoblog, then incubating the plugs in 1x wash buffer, and in 0.5x TAE buffer, before setting up and running a new gel with our new modifications, that looked like they worked very well on weds.

Evening Today we washed our plugs as before…


Today we washed our plugs, as before in 1X wash buffer 4 times for an hour each. We then separated our 5 plugs into separate eppendorfs, and put 3 in storage in fresh 1X wash buffer. To the 2 remaining plugs we added 0.1X wash buffer for an hour.

To one we removed the wash buffer and added 1ml of Spe1 buffer to saturate for an hour. We then added fresh Spe1 buffer, Spe1 enzyme and BSA, and incubated overnight at 37C.

We set up a new gel in order to run the unrestriction treated plug, to ensure that the DNA within the samples are viable for use. If we see one large band just below the wells, that is as clear or clearer as our best previous gel run, then we will run a gel with the same settings, but with restriction enzyme treated plugs.

We made up 3L of TAE 0.5X and a 1% gel. We removed the wash buffer from the other plug and added 1ml of TAE 0.5X buffer to saturate it. Once the gel had set, we cut and placed 2 non restriction enzyme treated plug sections and 2 sections of the new low range PFG marker into the wells and sealed with agarose. We ran this gel at the low range PFG marker settings: 1% agarose gel, 15 hours, 1-12 second switch interval ramping and 6V/cm.

I also filmed with Sophia and Barney, regarding their experiences in the lab so far! πŸ™‚

We will remove this gel tomorrow, stain it and view it. This will help us to decide whether to run the restriction enzyme plug, with the same low range PFG marker settings.

See you all tomorrow!

Afternoon Everyone Today we started the looong washing…

Afternoon Everyone,

Today we started the looong washing phase of plug making! We washed all 24 plugs (2 per sample, and 4 per 6919 strain sample) as before, 4 times for an hour each in 1X wash buffer. We then separated off plugs from samples 2-11, added fresh 1X wash buffer and put them into the fridge for storage. We then washed the 4 6919 strain sample plugs with 0.1X wash buffer twice, and separated off 1 plug (not to be treated with restriction enzyme Spe1). We then added 1X Spe1 buffer to incubate the plugs, before removing this and adding fresh 1X Spe1 buffer, Spe1 enzyme and BSA. We then left the 3 plugs to incubate overnight at 37ΒΊC.

While waiting for washes, we used online REviewer software to work out the number and size of fragments Spe1 will produce – 85 fragments ranging from 132702bp – 817bp, with the most fragments approx. 10000bp (100kb). We therefore decided to order BioLabs (NEB) low range PFG marker that ranges from 194000bp-2030bp (194-2.03kb), that will cover all the larger-medium size fragments only missing 4 smallest fragments. The image produced by REviewer is attached, showing all fragments along genome

Tomorrow, we will be setting up our next gel, using settings recommended by BioLabs (NEB) on the new ladder we have chosen to use. Hopefully we will have the new ladder very soon, so we can run it!

See you all tomorrow!

Evening all Today consisted of A LOT of…

Evening all!

Today consisted of A LOT of waiting! We started by washing the plugs in 1x wash buffer 4 times, for an hour each! This is to make sure that all the lysozyme and mutanolysin was removed. The plugs could then be stored in 1x wash buffer at 4Β°C.

We then put each plug into a separate eppendorf tube and washed once with 0.1x wash buffer for an hour, and then once more to ensure all EDTA had been removed, as it will remove cofactors that are very important to the restriction enzymes we want to use next! We then removed 3 plug eppendorfs, and put them into the fridge, in order to compare samples that were treated with restriction enzymes and those who weren’t. We removed the remaining buffer in the other 7, and added 1x restriction enzyme buffer to each, and left for an hour, at room temp. with gentle agitation. After this, we removed the restriction enzyme buffer, and added fresh restriction enzyme buffer, restriction enzyme (SpeI, which cuts at ACTAGT) and BSA (which acts as a crowder to increase conc. and allow increased collisions). This is to allow the fragmentation of our Propionibacterium acnes DNA, which is on average 100kb size fragments. We then incubated the plugs overnight.

Tomorrow we will be finishing off the plugs, preparing a new gel run and running a new gel with our home made plugs and new modifications.

See you all tomorrow! πŸ™‚