Afternoon Everyone Today we started the looong washing…

Afternoon Everyone,

Today we started the looong washing phase of plug making! We washed all 24 plugs (2 per sample, and 4 per 6919 strain sample) as before, 4 times for an hour each in 1X wash buffer. We then separated off plugs from samples 2-11, added fresh 1X wash buffer and put them into the fridge for storage. We then washed the 4 6919 strain sample plugs with 0.1X wash buffer twice, and separated off 1 plug (not to be treated with restriction enzyme Spe1). We then added 1X Spe1 buffer to incubate the plugs, before removing this and adding fresh 1X Spe1 buffer, Spe1 enzyme and BSA. We then left the 3 plugs to incubate overnight at 37ΒΊC.

While waiting for washes, we used online REviewer software to work out the number and size of fragments Spe1 will produce – 85 fragments ranging from 132702bp – 817bp, with the most fragments approx. 10000bp (100kb). We therefore decided to order BioLabs (NEB) low range PFG marker that ranges from 194000bp-2030bp (194-2.03kb), that will cover all the larger-medium size fragments only missing 4 smallest fragments. The image produced by REviewer is attached, showing all fragments along genome

Tomorrow, we will be setting up our next gel, using settings recommended by BioLabs (NEB) on the new ladder we have chosen to use. Hopefully we will have the new ladder very soon, so we can run it!

See you all tomorrow!

Hello Everyone Yesterday we ran a 24 hour…

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday we ran a 24 hour gel, at 4 V/cm with a 20 second switch interval PFGE gel. We used 3 large restriction enzyme treated plugs and a NEB ladder. Mike also asked us to research the genome for Propionibacterium acnes and the size of the fragments produced when lysed with SpeI. He asked us to do this so that we would be able to sketch a rough drawing of what we would really like to see on a perfect gel. Also to help us look for a more appropriate ladder to use with the Propionibacterium acnes samples, as the average size of a fragment is approx. 100kb, and the NEB yeast we are currently using runs from approx. 1900-225, not quite low enough to compare most fragments.

Today we observed the gel with Mike, which was how he expected it to look, with the NEB bands close together near the top of the gel. However, no bands were visible under the Propionibacterium acnes samples and Mike thinks we really need to have another go at making the plugs, perfecting the cell density and process. We also filmed our latest videoblog!

See you all on Monday πŸ™‚

Hello Everyone Came into the lab today removed…

Hello Everyone!

Came into the lab today, removed, stained and viewed our latest gel. We observed a clear similar band under all the samples not treated with restriction enzyme, and slightly blurry similar band under all samples treated with restriction enzyme. Although the position of the bands are correct, the blurriness suggests that separation is still not occurring properly. There also appears to be a problem with the sealing agarose, resulting in very dark wells as DNA cannot properly leave the wells. This was actually my fault, as when making up the sealing agarose for the wells, i had been mixing the same 1g of agarose used in making the actual gel, in the smaller amount of buffer (50ml) used when making the sealing agarose, instead of halving the agarose to 0.5g. Therefore we were attempting to seal the wells with 2% agarose, which explains the difficulty we had in pipetting it (the formation of bubbles), the dark wells and smearing of samples through the gel.

We decided on the following modifications:

  • Increase the agarose gel % from 1% to 1.3/1.4%, in order to help increase the separation of fragments.
  • Use the correct agarose gel % to seal the plugs into the wells, hopefully decreasing the dark wells and smearing, and increasing the movement of DNA through the gel clearly.

We then ran a standard 0.8% agarose gel, with 0.5X TAE buffer, for 2 hours at 100V. We ran 3 large samples of restriction enzyme treated plugs, 1 Kb ladder and lambda Hind III ladder. We sealed the plugs in with 0.8% agarose (0.4g agarose and 50ml 0.5X TAE buffer).

The results of this confirmed our modifications, and tomorrow we will be running a new PFGE gel for 24 hours, at 4 V/cm with a 20 second switch interval, applying our modifications.

See you all tomorrow πŸ™‚