Another Monday morning and my inbox is full…

Another Monday morning, and my inbox is full of emails to tackle ahead of the new week! One of those emails is from Student Opportunities which explains how I get you enrolled on the campus jobs system so that you can work outreach events over the summer. I will soon be emailing your names over to them so they can send you the paperwork you need to complete in order to apply for jobs. Don’t forget that once you are on the system you can also work open days in the new academic year, so make sure you get the forms processed asap!

Summer outreach activities

Outreach is a really important part of my life, and of course it is also part of my job! I have been doing outreach in one form or another since I started at the University in 2003, and my involvement has only grown since then. I started with a few school visits as part of a recruitment drive for the Forensic Science degree, and it has now grown into multiple annual local school events and talks and activities around the county and even the country for the Women’s Institute (WI), University of the Third Age (U3A) and Graduate Women’s groups.

Outreach is so important as it plays a fundamental role in demystifying science for the general public. We hear too much these days about a lack of belief in ‘experts’ and a lot of that has to do with scientists standing up and saying incomprehensible information in technical jargon that is supposed to scare or intimidate people. For me, there is nothing better than the ‘lightbulb moment’, which is what drives me every day as an educator, and good outreach can ensure that we can get our message out simply and effectively, and from there it can spread further.

This summer, as always, I have signed up for and booked in a large number of outreach events, and while I will be involved in them all, I also need support to ensure they run smoothly. For them to work effectively I need passionate, dedicated and hardworking helpers who believe, as I do, that outreach is one of the most important things that scientists can do. If that is you, then I will look forward to working with you. The process for signing up is relatively long-winded, and will involve having right to work checks, completion of information regarding payment, applications for roles and possibly job interviews, but I will try and ensure that any of those who are keen and fit the profile will get a chance to have at least some of the opportunities.

When I know the process I shall add the information here, so keep a lookout, and of course, make sure you blog about your experiences doing the outreach!